Mon 27 Jan
$100 spcl °o• {SNEAK} °o• {AWAY} °o• {&}°o• {COME} °o• {PLAY} o•°•★• - 21
(Abilene, my,place,your,place)
💎 💕Young $exy Latin $ugarBaby, Let's Make This A Regular Thing💎 💕(Talking Stick Resort) - 22
YOUR ((( SATISFACTION ))) a MUST (((38DD BOOBS )))&(( tHick too)) 100%me [[[Specials aLL dAy ]]] - 24
W£tt💦Wild & Ready Freaky R'Mony Fetish Friendly lets Play - 21
(Lubbock, Lubbock,post,snyder,lamesa,pv,surr.)
.S-* W-* E-* E -*T- * :-) A-* N-* D-* ;-)A-* D-* D-* I-* C-* T-* I-* V-* E-* - 22
(Lubbock, lubbock-lubbock-lubbock)
💋Seductive Saturdays☆Kinky Kiley☆Fetish Friendly♡College Cutie With BIG Butt and Boobies - 23
(Lubbock, Lubbock and Surrounding Areas)
【LeT's MAkE╰╮ Your ✿★✿ 【DREaMs】╰╮❤╭╯ 【BEcOmE OUR【 REALITY】♡☆ call ☆ now☆♡ - 24
(Brown field post slaton levelland plainv, Lubbock)
*Just Arrived* Upscale & Discreet Italian Pleasures & CMT.. Available 24/7 For Your Convenience... - 28
H0TT ———— *ALL-AMERiCAN* ———— BRUNETTE ————— NEwBiE ————— AMaZiNG RACK! ——* AVAILABLE ((N0W!!))* - 25
I'm HERE ODESSA Only BoNITA❤️ ❤️ Sexyy MiXeD LaTiNa❤️ 100%ReAl 💋 SwEeT n NAuGhTy 💋 - 22
(Abilene, El Paso, Incalls Outcall ODESSA, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa)
Come have some fun with a hotty with a great body - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, In your arms ;))
Sun 12 Jan
🍒*__ NEW __*🍒*__ SPINNER __*🍒* __ PRETTY__ *🍒* ___✖Best ✖breast✖N✖west✖ PERFECT BODY ✖✖✖ - - 34
Sat 11 Jan
Come over 2 Myspace and Twittwer with my Yahoo until i Google on your Facebook - 24
(Amarillo, amarillo Surrounding areas incall/outcal)
💎 💕Young $exy Latin $ugarBaby, Let's Make This A Regular Thing💎 💕(Talking Stick Resort) - 22
Local Playmate for *ALL* Your Erotic Desires - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, 10 minutes away)
I am a College Girl with Erotic Desires... - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, 10 minutes away)
Fri 10 Jan
I am a College Girl with Erotic Desires... - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, 10 minutes away)
♥Extremely SEXY, EXOTIC and SPONTANEOUS girl. 100% REAL & Recent Pictures. Available Now!! - 21
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa/midland)
Thu 09 Jan