Sun 05 Jan
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, In the city)
Beautiful I'll MaKe YouR Toes CuRL!!100% FReak. Last night guys,,, Early morning specials - 19
÷€÷€÷ 806 * Passion* 239 * Pleasure * 2576 ÷€÷€÷ - 26
(Lubbock, LUBBOCK ONLY/INCALLS ONLY/(806)239-2576)
Sat 04 Jan
W£tt💦Wild & Ready Freaky R'Mony Fetish Friendly lets Play - 21
(Lubbock, Lubbock,post,snyder,lamesa,pv,surr.)
█▒☆°T H E °☆°U L T I M A T E °☆°C O M P A N I O N °☆°F O R °☆°Y O U █▒ °☆80hh specials - 24 - 24
; :*: SmokiN: :*: HoT ::*: ; :*: BrunettE::*: :*DonT: -*:; :*MisS: -*: - 25
(LuBBocK (incall/outcall))
(LEAVING 80$)【Caℓℓ 📲 mε】ViEt GODDESS【ODESSA Gεn†ℓεmεn's 💎 Cho¡cε】36cS【√¡ρ 👑 ρℓαγmα†ε】 - 22
(Midland / Odessa, Upscale oDeSsA INCALL 80$)
★★♪♬㏂ ㏘ PLEASUR3 (Now In lubbock)💜 MeAsUrE!💋 🇹ight && 🇼ett ツ💋 unRushed Visits - 21
(Lubbock, available now incall specials 80 all day)
*:• •:*:A_b_S_o_ L_u_T_e _L_y ___ G_o_R_G_e_O_u_S _ Dezeria ! •:*:• - - 22
(Lubbock, where ever u want me to be....)
100% ReAl Pics!!l Last day in town ! let me make your fantasy a reality !incall/outcall - 24
Texas Cowgirl 🏇Ropin 'n Tieing Whippin 'n Spining 👅You want a Rodeo? 💦R'Mony💦 Fetish friendly - 21
(Lubbock, Lubbock,post,snyder,lamesa,plav,surr)
-:¦:- SeXy-:¦:- N -:¦:- WiLD-:¦:- DonT -:¦:-MiSs -:¦:- Me! - - Special - - 25
(LuBBocK (iNcAll/OuTcAlL))
Tantalizing Italian Pleasures ... Upscale ... Discreet ... Satisfying... Available Anytime - 26
(Lubbock Outcalls)
((New In Town)) Me Or It's FREE!! 100% Exotic Upscale Beauty!! Best On BP!! - 22
(Lubbock, Lubbock Upscale Incall Location)
petite,beautiful blue eyed baby doll with a super tight body ready to put it on you! 5'7 125/23*KATs - 23
Open minded, Fetish Friendly with a Gorgeous Body - 19
(Abilene, Amarillo, El Paso, Lubbock, Midland / Odessa, In the city)
•:*:• *StUnNiNg •:*:• *BeAuTiFuL •:*:• *sO SExY •:*:• ChEcK mE OuT •:*:• *No DiSaPPOinTmENtS •:*:• - 24
^.^ ₩hy ₩ait?? ♡♥ dON't cHEat ¥♥uRself ! .tr£at ¥♡Urself ! $€xy silky eBoNy ♥!th£ #1 choice - 21
☆ Midland ☆ CLICK H E R E ! ----> ♡ BUST¥ Brunette with A1 SKILLS ♡ - 24
(Midland / Odessa, Midland)
Lbk 💦 806-584-9880 YoUnG & rEaDy 💋👅tO pLeAsE 🔥 LeTs GeT nAuGh.ty✨ - 19
(Lubbock, Lubbock Outcalls ONLY All Night)
J A W D R O P P I N G PeTiTe★ BoMbShELL (always available) - 23
(Lubbock, Incall/Outcall)
LAST DAY (*)(*) Cheapest Rates Thjs Side Of Tbe Mississippi... Occasionally I Wear Panties.... - 29
(Lubbock, incall)
First thing In the Morning 👅That will last you 💦all day! R'mony&Nias; F®€aky Play - 21
(Lubbock, Lubbock and surrounding areas)
♥☆ I ☆ PrⓞMiSⓔ ☆ I'm ☆ ThE ☆ SwEEtEST!! ☜❤☞☆ 4"11 ⇨ 115 lbs!! ⇨TiN¥ AND S€X¥!! 80Special - 19
(Lubbock, Incall Outcall)
70/100/200👄👙👄Devilish Curves with an Angelic Face👼 Hands Down the Best in Town and Local! - 29
(Lubbock, Lubbock incall/outcall)
Texas Cowgirl 🏇Ropin 'n Tieing Whippin 'n Spining 👅You want a Rodeo? 💦R'Mony💦 Fetish friendly - 21
(Lubbock, lubbock and all surrounding areas)
☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot ♥ Upscαℓε 🎀$UNN¥ 👑 $T@RR🎀 💯% ME or Free!!╠╣IGHLY Reviewed☆ - 29
(Incall dayly/ outcall nightly, Lubbock)
☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot ♥ 🎀Upscαℓε❄College 🎀 $UNN ¥ 👑 $T@RR💖 💯% ME or Free!!!!! - 29
(Incall dayly/ outcall nightly, Lubbock)
SeXxY EXxOtiC BaBe ❤ I CaN Be YoUr #1 ❤ SwEeT N ClAsSy ❤ SpEciALs! OutCall n InCall - - 23